Tips On Preparing for Soccer Tryouts

How To Prepare For Soccer Tryouts

Tryout season can be a nerve-racking time for players as they think about their options for the following season. Whether they are looking to move up to a higher level, or make the jump to a new club, here are some tips for how players can prepare for soccer tryouts.

Before Tryouts

Focus On Your Preparation

While you don’t have complete control over your performance during a tryout, you can absolutely control your preparation for the event. To give yourself the best chance of success, start early. Focus on training consistently well in weeks leading up to the tryout. Prioritize your recovery, sleep, and nutrition during this time as well. Don’t wait until the day before the tryout to start doing things the right way.

Visualize Success

Visualization can be a powerful tool for athletes in all sports. Whenever the tryout comes into your mind, envision yourself playing at your best. This will fill you with confidence by the time you take the field.  

During Tryouts

Be The Best Version Of YOU

The biggest mistake that players make during a tryout is trying to play how they think the coaches want them to. They try to force the decisive dribble, pass, or shot, rather than playing simple and letting the game come to them. Do not try to adopt a completely different style of play. Take the same approach that you would in a normal training session or game, and your strengths will show during the tryout. 

Be A Team Player

In a tryout, players will likely find themselves teamed up with players they’ve never played with before. In an environment where everyone is trying to earn a spot, this can lead to a lot of misplaced passes, or selfish decision-making on the ball. Players should remember that if their team performs well, they in turn will show well individually. During small or large-sided games, try to be a leader within your team, and get everyone on the same page right away. Communicate in a positive way to help organize your team during the run of play. This kind of positivity can be contagious, and get everyone on the team playing more effectively in a short space of time. 

After Tryouts

Thank The Coaches / Staff

In a tryout, coaches are not just assessing technical ability. Throughout the session, they will also be looking at body language, verbal reactions, work rate, and anything else that can give them an idea of a player’s character. Going up to the coaches after the session, shaking their hand, and saying thank you is a really small thing that can leave a good impression.

Reflect And Learn

If you performed well enough to make the team, think about all the things you did right to put yourself in a position to succeed. If you can keep those habits over the course of a season, imagine how well you could perform!

If things didn't go as planned, that is okay. Not every tryout that you attend will end up successful. Even players at the professional level will have faced rejection at some point in their careers. These momentary setbacks can be a great chance to learn. Now that you have seen the level that you want to want to play at, what areas of your game do you need to improve in order to get there? If you take this approach, you’ll be more likely to get the results you want moving forward.

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